2018 Forum Agenda
Monday, May 21 (DAY 1)
8:00 AM Breakfast/registration 9:00 AM Welcome and introductions 9:15 AM Keynote 10:00 AM Session #1: Debt, Equity and Innovation: How Global Capital Influences Future Development
11:30 AM Session #2: Growth Markets, Development Opportunities: Mexico
12:30 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Tech Talk Keynote
2:30 PM Session #3: Growth Markets, Development Opportunities: Eastern + Central Europe
4:00 PM Session #4: Growth Markets, Development Opportunities: India
C(RE)-connect MSRED Alumni event 6:30 PM End of day 1 |
Tuesday, May 22 (DAY 2)
8:00 AM Breakfast/registration 9:00 AM The Edge Sessions: MIT leads in Innovation
12:30 PM LUNCH
5:00 PM End of day 2